Contact Us
We will always seek comments regarding our website and we thank those of you who have already done so, it is always appreciated.
Note too that even when travelling we generally contactable, most rural locations in Australia are now on Telstra's Next G mobile network, there might be a few days delay on odd occasions however.
It could be that you will see one of a zillion spelling errors or a more importantly, a dead link, you may even see something you would like to know more about.
You might also wish to pass on your own caravan/camping experiences, maybe tell us about an exceptional place to camp for example, perhaps you would like to send us photos* etc.

Please click this link CONTACT US

Please note none of your personal details or your email address will be shared with any other party.

* images and videos sent to us must be copyright free, we may or may not wish to post them on our website but if we do so it will be with acknowledgement given to the sender, please also compress any images to below 500 KB before sending....videos must be <5 MB but we would prefer that you posted them to You Tube and simply send us the link.

The Website of Paul and Pam - Queensland Australia
Copyright ©2016 Paul F Greig -  all files including images and text are protected by Australian copyright laws....however, download permission can be requested via the above email address. return to our website from any link simply click the 'back' button on your browser.
Hi...Paul and Pams